Thomas Kinkade Studios
Thomas Kinkade, the famed “Painter of Light,” loved to share his passion for art and his creative process with other artists throughout his career. Thom believed in supporting artist development and exchanged ideas with artists. Through this collaborative environment, Thom passed down his methods and imparted the techniques, concepts and vision for his signature Kinkadian style.Today, the artists of the Thomas Kinkade Studios apply many of the same techniques created and used by Thom during his lifetime; from sketching to digital and oil brushwork, to image recapture and his use of light. Over time, these mastered skills have evolved into a Kinkadian style of art adored by art collectors around the world.
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Ever since hopping a train box car to sketch America in his youth, Thomas Kinkade loved to travel and paint. And one of his favorite destinations was the magnificent European mountain range known as, The Alps. Traveling throughout these snowcapped mountains with his wife Nanette and their children, Thom crafted a number of important works such as The Matterhorn, Spring in the Alps, and HeiligenBlut.
As the family hiked the peaceful alpine pastures at the foot of these stunning mountain peaks, they were fond of singing songs from their favorite musical, THE SOUND OF MUSIC- these memories are cherished by the Kinkade family - memories of nature's beauty, the love of family, the fun of adventure, and the visual reminder to not be afraid to " Climb ev'ry mountain, Ford ev'ry stream, Follow ev'ry rainbow, Till you find your dream. "
These great memories and themes are wonderfully captured in The Thomas Kinkade Studios' painting, THE SOUND OF MUSIC. Leaving behind the beauty and safety of an idyllic life and home in Austria, the von Trapp family risks everything to follow their dream - a life together wrapped in the love of faith, family and home - the things they truly believe in.
This historic musical, THE SOUND OF MUSIC, was the final collaboration between the legendary team of Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II - two men who also dared to dream, and ended up giving the world - and the Kinkade family - the most beloved musical of all time.